Thursday, March 27, 2008


The Animal Rescue Site, which is a wonderful organization devoted to providing food for rescued animals in shelters and sanctuaries, needs our help. Their website has a "Click Here to Give" button that facilitates the provision of food to needy animals at no cost to the visitor (it's paid for by the site sponsors). The problem is, not enough humans have been visiting the site and clicking the button... so, fellow cat, I'm counting on you to tell your human that there will be NO PEACE ON EARTH until they start visiting the Animal Rescue Site and clicking the button on a daily basis. For their convenience, they can bookmark the site and start clicking right from this post.

The Animal Rescue Site site can also be accessed from the "Links" page on the official The World Is Your Litter Box website. Let's all pitch in and help our four-legged friends (yes, even dogs!)


Karen Jo said...

I have a link up on my blog sidebar and I click almost every day. I am striving to make it every day.

Quasi said...

Hi Karen Jo,

Good for you. I hit it once a day on my website.

Your Friend,